Tuesday 12 December 2017

SCHOOL OPEN [Years 7-11 only] - Wednesday 13th December 2017

School will be OPEN for years 7-11, but CLOSED for all sixth form students. This is due to limited parking on site and potentially hazardous driving conditions in some areas.

Teachers, support staff, and some parents and students have worked hard all day to enable the site to be safely accessible. However, we need to manage the start and end of the day carefully to ensure safety. The road up into the village is not safe for parents to use.

Buses will run as normal.

PARENTS DROPPING STUDENTS BY CAR - Please do not drop children off before 9am, and use the bus bay. You must not attempt to drive up into the village. This is due to the road being even narrower than normal, ice in the staff car park and a fallen tree in the village.

If you are collecting your child by car at the end of the day please do so after 3.30pm from the bus bay. Do not come into the village or try to use the staff car park. Also, please do not park along the verge on the main road because this will cause a significant safety risk to other road users.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Rob Johnston
Deputy Head